Many of you are well-intentioned and sensitive individuals who care deeply about the people and world around you. You are positive at your core and actively engaged in making a difference.
You want others to feel better. You want your community to be a great place to belong. You see the needs around you and you want to impact all of this positively, but you are finding it more and more difficult in today’s culture of impersonal texting and constant negative newsfeed.There really is a way to feel uplifted and supported even in these challenging times.
Credit: Digital Magic Photography & Design
Hi, I’m Carol Robinson of In the Present Coaching
Hi, I’m Carol Robinson, and I’m the “Encourager Extraordinaire” for those people who are gifted with being sensitive and caring about their family and friends and the world around them. I help spiritually-oriented, heart-centered individuals experience the power of the present, and carry that into their everyday lives. Give yourself the gift of the present!
Thank you so much for all the guidance and encouragement you have given me…I have gained much insight into myself and how I am called to serve.